Methylene Blue and Mitochondria Function

Methylene Blue and Mitochondria Function

Treatment of Yet Untreated Conditions like Chronic Fatigue, Memory Impairment, Dementia, and Ongoing Inflammatory Conditions By Dr. Fred Hui. Methylene Blue is a versatile medicinal compound with a long history of use in various medical applications. Currently, it is...
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

New Year’s Resolutions By guest writer, competitive marathoner and ultra runner, race director Robby Breadner. With a new year comes new resolutions to embrace. Resolutions to improve one’s health are high on that list. But why do peoples’ resolutions so...
Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue

By: Dr. Fred Hui, MD Introduction The adrenal glands are walnut-sized glands placed above both the kidneys. Despite their small size, they are responsible for the secretion of several vital hormones – like glucocorticoids (cortisol) which is responsible for glucose...

Amino Acid Therapy for Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, addiction and More printable articleOriginally published November 2, 2011 Amino acid therapy for depression, anxiety, ADHD, addiction and more by Mike Bundrant(Natural News) I’ve recently learned a lot about amino acid therapy from the medical director of Ranch Creek...
Are You Tired?

Are You Tired?

by Dr Fred Hui, MD According to the various health surveys that have been conducted on the general population, “Tiredness” or “Fatigue” seems to always top the list. It could be a relatively new concern or an issue that the patient has been fighting over many years....

Back Pain & Sciatica

Back Pain & Sciatica Conventional medicine has very little to offer most back pain sufferers Surgery may be useful for a herniated disc, but does not help other types of back pain, which are usually caused by soft tissue damage – strained ligaments and...

Benefits of a low-carb diet

Benefits of a low-carbohydrate diet The usual advice for losing weight is to restrict calories, avoid meat and fat, and to increase complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. This sounds good, but for many people it doesn’t work in practice. After many weeks of...

Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine The Eastern approach to disease is dramatically different from the prevailing attitude in North America. Western medicine views the body as a machine: when something goes wrong, the solution is to fix, replace or remove the broken part. Eastern...

Chinese Medicine Cabinet

Chinese Medicine Cabinet Many classic Chinese medicine formulas are available as pills or potions. They are easy to use, usually inexpensive and easily available in Chinese supermarkets and herbal stores. The following medicines are common in Chinese households…...

Dealing with Stress

Dealing with Stress One of the main causes of stress is failure to meet expectations set by oneself or by others. The secret to reducing stress is being able to control expectations, and to deal with failure in a healthy way. What helps Lower expectations: Adjust what...


Controlling Diabetes By Dr. Fred Hui, MD In the last ten years, the number of cases of diabetes in North America has gone up exponentially. We all know of somebody, among our close circle of friends or relatives, who has diabetes. So, by reading this article, you will...
Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus By Dr. Fred Hui, MD Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels that result from defects in insulin secretion, or action, or both. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas, and it is responsible...

How to Deal with Losses

How to Deal with Losses Loss or impending loss is a common cause of depression or stress. Losses can be in the area ‘of health, wealth, possessions or, relationships. The perspective of many Eastern philosophies is helpful in learning how to deal with ‘the loss and...

Insomnia ~ The Natural Approach

Insomnia – The Natural Approach Deep sleep is essential for energy, mental clarity and good mood. The best way to improve sleep is to increase stimulation and activity during the day. Deep sleep naturally follows. During the day Be active: walk vigorously, exercise,...

Neck Problems

Neck Problems The neck can be the cause of a variety of symptoms including headache, shoulder pain and pain down the arm. The problem is caused by high flexibility and therefore instability of the neck. Good posture with the neck held straight is critical to avoid...

Medical Value of Food

Medical Value of Food Conventional western medicine sees food as a fuel, and as building blocks for the body. The nutritional value of food – the “material” aspect – is based on calories, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals, etc. In Chinese medicine, food also has an...

Overweight or Diabetic?

Overweight or Diabetic? By Dr. Fred Hui, MD How to prevent, or correct the problem Obesity and diabetes have a common cause and they can lead to each other. I would like to give you insight into some oversights by mainstream medicine. The patient with either of these...

Ozone Therapy

Ozone high dose Major Autohemotherapy By Dr. Johann C. Lahodny, MD Ozone is a highly active oxygen a biological agent with health-promoting and healing properties. By combining with blood creates an oxygen-ozone mixture, which causes healing or significant improvement...

Peak Performance

Peak Performance Being able to deliver one’s best – as an athlete, public speaker or nurturer – depends on having different aspects of one’s life in harmony and balance. Strenuous exercise or preoccupation with a particular diet will likely not yield the desired...

Power Napping

Power Napping Many highly successful people have mastered the art of power napping. It enables them to cope with high levels of stress, sleep disturbance trom busy schedules, travel or young children, and still maintain alertness and peak productivity. Benefits A...