• As you enter the clinic, please inform our receptionist of your arrival and sign in to our patient sheet. You will be asked to fill up a registration form and sign a consent form
  • Initial consultations typically last for one to two hours. You will be initially seen by a clinic assistant who will complete your history and physical examination. Thereafter, Dr. Hui will see you and he will confirm the information gathered and give his corresponding recommendations.
  • Since we are using EMR (electronic medical recording), an assistant will be transcribing for Dr. Hui during your consultation.
  • You will be provided educational materials to help you better understand your treatment.
  • You will be provided a request for general lab work at OHIP covered laboratories and less conventional tests (Non-OHIP)
  • You will be provided a copy of Dr. Hui’s medical instructions, which you can bring to the receptionist for further assistance.