Tongue Diagnosis

LifeLine 07-Tongue Diagnosis (Click this link for more details) The tongue is an important diagnostic tool used in Chinese medicine. It is an easily accessible piece of internal tissue that doctors use as a sample ot the body’s state of health. A healthy tongue is...

Tips for Good Sleep

LifeLine -By Dr. Fred Hui A good sleep releases endorphins, which is endogenous morphine, also called the “Feel- Good Hormone”. Poor sleep is one of the simplest but common reasons for tiredness, decreased concentration etc. Your difficulty could either be falling...

The ‘Three Kings’ of Chinese Medicine

LifeLine 10-The Three Kings of Chinese medicine (Click this link to see details) Chinese herbal remedies date back thousands of years and typically contain a mixture of ingredients based around one or more key ingredients known as the “king” herbs, The three most...

Self help for headaches

LifeLine 05-Self Help for Headaches (Click this link to see details) Headaches are usually caused by problems outside the brain such as constricted blood vessels, neck joints, muscles and jaw. A chronic headache which is not increasing in intensity is unlikely to be...

Power Napping

Life line – Power Napping (Click this link for more details) Many highly successful people have mastered the art of power napping. It enables them to cope with high levels of stress, sleep disturbance trom busy schedules, travel or young children, and still maintain...

Peak Performance

LifeLine 04-Peak Performance (Click this link to see details) Being able to deliver one’s best – as an athlete, public speaker or nurturer – depends on having different aspects of one’s life in harmony and balance. Strenuous exercise or preoccupation with a particular...

Neck Problems

LifeLine 08-Neck problem (Click this link for more details) The neck can be the cause of a variety of symptoms including headache, shoulder pain and pain down the arm. The problem is caused by high flexibility and therefore instability of the neck. Good posture with...

Natural Approaches to Narrowing Arteries

LifeLine 01-Natural Approaches to narrowing Arteries (Click this link for more details) Arteries tend to get narrower with age (also called “hardening” of the arteries).This results in higher blood pressure and increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, angina and...

Medical Value of Food

Life Line – Medical Value of Food (Click this link for more details) Conventional western medicine sees food as a fuel, and as building blocks for the body. The nutritional value of food – the “material” aspect – is based on calories, proteins, fat, vitamins,...

Insomnia – The Natural Approach

LifeLine 14-Insomnia-the natural approach (Click this link for more details) Deep sleep is essential for energy, mental clarity and good mood. The best way to improve sleep is to increase stimulation and activity during the day. Deep sleep naturally follows. During...

How to Deal with Losses

LifeLine 11-How to Deal with Losses (Click this link for more details) Loss or impending loss is a common cause of depression or stress. Losses can be in the area ‘of health, wealth, possessions or, relationships. The perspective of many Eastern philosophies is...

Dealing with Stress

LifeLine 03-Dealing with Stress (Click this link for more details) One of the main causes of stress is failure to meet expectations set by oneself or by others. The secret to reducing stress is being able to control expectations, and to deal with failure in a healthy...

Chinese Medicine Cabinet

Life Line – Chinese Medicine Cabinet (Click this link for more details) Many classic Chinese medicine formulas are available as pills or potions. They are easy to use, usually inexpensive and easily available in Chinese supermarkets and herbal stores. The following...

Chinese Medicine

Life Line -Chinese Medicine (Click this link for more details) The Eastern approach to disease is dramatically different from the prevailing attitude in North America. Western medicine views the body as a machine: when something goes wrong, the solution is to fix,...

Benefits of a low-carbohydrate diet

LifeLine 13-Benefits of a low-carbohydrate diet (Click this link for more details) The usual advice for losing weight is to restrict calories, avoid meat and fat, and to increase complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. This sounds good, but for many people it...

Back Pain & Sciatica

Life Line Back Pain and Sciatica (Click this link for more details) Conventional medicine has very little to offer most back pain sufferers Surgery may be useful for a herniated disc, but does not help other types of back pain, which are usually caused by soft tissue...